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Reclaiming the Fall Zone: Mediating Physical and Cultural Exchange in Richmond, VA

What: UMD M.Arch Thesis
Richmond, VA

This thesis addresses cultural and physical place reclamation at the ambiguous intersection of city and nature, by creating a sequence of multi-scalar interventions - in order to make commonplace a new dynamic threshold condition in Richmond, Virginia. This thesis is an attempt at place-making on a site which has become ‘no place.’ 

This concept is manifested as a landscape park on Mayo Island in  Richmond, anchored by a community retreat center and architectural follies along a constructed path. The interventions will coincide with a value of place in historical  Richmond: an integrated, socially desegregated waterfront hinge. A social nexus of  inherent change at the point which the river itself changes: at the fall line.

Project completed at as a graduate student at the University of Maryland, School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation.